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Leo Moon Sign Simha Rashi april 2025 Monthly Prediction

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Leo moon sign Simha rashi Leo  House is Ownes by Sun (Surya). Moon sign (Rashi) Leo  means that Moon was present in Leo Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Leo  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

Leo Simha, april 2025: 1st April to 7th April:

This time really is a favourable for the artists. It is also said that romance can make a good impact on you and your lover also. You will able to manage the increasing work pressure at your working field. Though you will earn your expected money, you will be worried regarding your economic condition. So try to drop down your expense. You will able to solve the problems at your business. You will be to get the success at your daily work. Be attentive regarding the health of your wife. In other case this matter will be a serious matter. So be careful of that. You may rekindle an old relationship. Take care of your health. This time is not favourable to you. So dont take any kind of risk at all. You will assisted by your wife. This time is also not favourable for the service men too. Dont lend others because there is a least possibility to get back the money. Your health will be medium.

Leo Simha, april 2025: 8th April to 14th April:

Your family peace will not be maintained through-out the week and it will be a cause of your mental agony. There have a chance to spend a lot of money for the higher studies of your children but it will be a cause of your mental satisfaction. Your brother will not assist you through-out this week. This is also an expensive week in terms of money. So you will be worried regarding that fact. Those who are involved with the social activities will busy to perform their duties. You may sit for the competitive examination because you will get by our success from it. You can-not be able to finish your whole job because of your excessive work pressure. Try to back your courage within yourself. You may go for a long tour. It would give you a lease of pleasure.

Leo Simha, april 2025: 15th April to 21st April:

You will repent for your own deeds. There will be a lot of opportunity for you. You will feel tired for your excessive work pressure. You will be happy by getting good news. This time is not favourable for students. So be attentive towards study. You will be worried regarding your children. You will get peace after finishing some of your previous undone works. You will be busy to do the social activities. You will earn your expected money and fame you work. Those who have the tendency of hyper acidity are advised to take your food in time. This time is not favourable for the students. Be careful while you are in road because there have a possibility to meet a minor accident. Family peace will be hampered because your family members will not agree with you.

Leo Simha, april 2025: 22nd April to 30th April:

This week might turn-out to be a very difficult week for you. You go by what your heart tells you. Have confidence in your friends, and let him/her guide you along to greener pastures. You should spend the week resting. You can share your ideas with some-one you have a good relationship with. Dont waste time with superficialities. The family peace will be hampered by family member. Your wife will be supportive and suggestive to you. Those who are related for food business this week is profitable for them. Try to resist your-self from any kind of unnecessary work. It may possible that you may get involved into misunderstanding with your father due to property. So you are advised to remove your stubbornness. Otherwise it will make you harm. This week is favourable for engineers because they will get their desired promotions and suitable transfer. The socialist and the politicians will earn their name, fame and fortune with their respective activities.

Free Moonsign Prediction for April 2025 is here..